Monday, May 2, 2016

Burgos - A Rest Day / The Cathedral

April 30, 2016 Saturday

A Rest Day in Burgos: The Cathedral

I spent a rest day resting in Burgos. The focus was on visiting and taking in the Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos. This is a cathedral that is in short amazing; as with many things on this Camino pilgrimage, words fail me - the cathedral is just simply amazing in all elements - the history, the architecture, and the artistry. This was a large project, construction began in 1221, and continued on and off until about 1567.

The cathedral is very large, very beautiful from architectural, artistic, and historic perspectives. I spent close to 4 hours there, and did not see all of it. Fortunately, they allow photographs, and I took over 80. I am reserving this post until I can go through the photographs and post a representative sample. Right now, the scale of that project is almost overwhelming. More will come later.

Next: Walking to the Meseta and Hornillos del Camino

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