Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mansilla de las Mulas to León

December 9, 2016 Monday

Walking Before the Rain to León    Walking Day #18

Today Eamann was over at my hotel for breakfast. We discussed the weather, and my concern was walking a second day in the rain with no poncho, no gloves, and my health possibly being still in a recovery mode after a recent night in the hospital. The detailed weather forecast showed rain not likely until mid-afternoon, and given that the walk today would be flat and only 18 kilometers (12 miles), I preferred to walk. So we got to it fairly quickly after a good breakfast. A goal of mine was also to get into León as early as possible to find a store in which I could purchase gloves and a poncho, and possibly gaiters (covers for the bottom half of your legs and top of your boots). It is important to keep the feet dry, and gaiters might help in that regard.

The walk to León started out along highway, but off to the side through this small forest along the highway. Although we were near the highway, it did not seem like it. 

Then out of the forest and into lush, green farmland as we have been many times. Without the cover of the large bushes and small, thick trees, the noise from the highway became more obvious.

Here is a very serious-looking Eamann hiking along the road. While he looks serious here, he is quite funny, and we had a very good time on the second day of walking together.

Eamann took my picture, while I was walking slowly. We should have waited for the people in the background to pass, but we really wanted to get going and be in León before the expected rain this afternoon.

A way marker along the path. Not an uncommon type of marker, and while it looks very unofficial and subject to being moved or turned, I have not seen evidence of markers being changed.

Another, more "official" sign, with an arrow on the curb below to the left. On the graphical depiction of the shell, it is (this time) pointing basically correctly, with the convergence of the lines being Santiago and we are to go to the left towards Santiago.

One final hill into the suburbs of León. It is difficult to show in a photo how steep some of the hills are, and while this was not extremely difficult, it did slow our pace somewhat for the 200-300 meters to the top.

Just after the hill in the previous photo, we crossed this crazy-looking bridge. It is really not that crazy-looking, but it does have some interesting angles before you get going up and over.

One of the way markers in the suburbs of León. Unlike Burgos, León is welcoming us with clear and plentiful way markers. It should be difficult to get lost going in to León.

Soon we crossed the river and saw part of the old wall of the city of León. Many of these older Spanish cities were built with walls for protection in medieval times.

And into the old city of León. It looks to me much like Pamplona and parts of the older part of Burgos - narrow streets, crowded with shops, bars, restaurants, etc. A very busy place, and the Camino path goes right through.

And there before us was the cathedral. This is a remarkable cathedral. Unfortunately, I did not have time to go inside, as I needed to get laundry done, and get supplies for the expected upcoming rains.

Eamann and I did make it to León before rain came, and it was a very enjoyable walk at a good pace. Unfortunately, Eamann is taking a rest day in León and I am not, so I shall likely not see him again.

I did find a really good store close to my hotel in the old city of León and bought gloves, a poncho, and gaiters.

Next: Walking to Villavante

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