Monday, May 16, 2016

Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Nice Walk to Villafranca del Bierzo    Walking Day #23

After climbing up and over the mountains yesterday, today it was cloudy, but there was no rain in the forecast. We are now in a region of Spain called Bierzo, a valley surrounded by mountains (we will have to climb up and over mountains tomorrow to get out of the valley), and known for a particular type of wine. We left the large Rioja wine-producing part of Spain more than a week ago, before the meseta, and here in Bierzo, we are seeing some vineyards again.

And, after two very long and difficult uphill and two long and difficult downhill climbs yesterday, muddy and dirty, today's walk is generally quite flat, and much is alongside streets or highways, so little chance of significant mud today.

One of the Camino way markers in Ponferrada as we were leaving the town.

I did not take many pictures today, because much of the walk was through small, not especially interesting towns along a minor highway. It was like one little town after another, or a continual suburb.

Another rather nice Camino way marker in the outskirts of Ponferrada.

Just after that previous way marker, we met this couple from Argentina and now living in Mexico who are walking the Camino with their 9-month-old son. This is their first day walking on the Camino, and they realize fully that walking with a nine month old will be a challenge, and their progress will be slower. They seem up to the challenge.

Another, very old, almost hidden Camino way marker on the outskirts of Ponferrada.

And then in what appears to be a distinct suburb of Ponferrada, we saw several of these really nice Camino way markers. This is probably 8-10 feet tall.

A slight problem I will have is that my Pilgrim's Credential in which the stamps are made showing where I have been will be full well before I reach Santiago. So a goal for the next few days is to find a church or in a larger city, a Pilgrim's Office where I can get a second credential. As we were walking along the cities along the highway, I stopped at a church, the inside shown here, and there was a lady stamping credentials. I got mine stamped, and asked if she had more credentials, and she did for two Euro. So I now have a second credential which will easily last me to Santiago de Compostela and on to Finnisterre.

After leaving the highway N-VI, we got out into the farmland, and saw many vineyards. Being several weeks after those we saw in the Rioja area, these are obviously growing fresh new vines for this years grapes.

And there are many, many of these vineyards. It was cool, but a very beautiful day.

Soon we headed up a long hill and then a long downhill and into Villafrance del Bierzo. As is often the case, I stopped taking pictures because I just wanted to get my hiking boots off and get into a hot shower. A bonus at this small B&B-type hotel is that the owner will do your laundry for 10 Euro, wash and dry. There were only three of us in this B&B, Nancy and Beth from Prince Edward Island, Canada, and me. So we had a very nice "group" dinner, and soon went to bed. Another very good day on the Camino de Santiago.

Next: Hiking over the mountains to O'Cebrieiro

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