Saturday, April 23, 2016

Estella to Los Arcos

April 23, 2016 Saturday

Beautiful Post-Rain Walk from Estella to Los Arcos    Walking Day #6

After the rain, the air was clear, the sky was bright with some white puffy clouds against a deep blue background. It is a glorious day!

Shortly after leaving Estella we came upon the fountain with wine and water. The Bodega Winery provides free wine to pilgrims on the Camino, or you can fill up with water. Because this is just a few minutes out of Estella, my water was still full. A few people did try the wine and reported it to be good.

The path / route / way today to Los Arcos goes through mostly farmland. And we will see much more of that over the next few weeks. Sometimes, the path goes into a small forest, and is almost a tunnel in the thick forest growth.

This is a good example of the large, lush farmland we walk by today.

The Camino way markers are seen at almost every intersection in the road. These are farm roads, and occasionally we must step to the side to let a truck or tractor pass.

We climbed a hill by this beautiful stone boulder wall, and Don from North Carolina took my picture. I passed them again as he wanted to linger taking many pictures.

A little later, my German friend, Hanz, took a photo of me walking from the back. I really do have a backpack. It is not as big as many, but I do not need a sleeping bag - the hotels provide plenty of blankets (just like hotels in the U.S.). Many of the albergues (hostels) do not have heat, so pilgrims staying in the hostels bring their sleeping bags to keep warm.

And the path just goes on and on over rolling hills in this beautiful farmland.

Sometimes flat, and still the path goes on and on.

I made it to Los Arcos, and this is the main square with the church. Note the size of the church. Los Arcos has a population of 1500; quite a church for 1500.

Next: Los Arcos to Logrono, a long, long 30 kilometer day.

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