Sunday, April 24, 2016

Los Arcos to Logroño

April 24, 2016 Sunday

A long walk from Los Arcos to Logroño    Walking Day #7

At the end of today I shall have been on the Camino for one full week. Today was to be a little more of a flat day than some recent days, with one large hill and then rolling ups and downs over a few small river valleys.

I started the day walking alone, hoping to catch up with Paul from New Zealand, but I think he left the hotel after me. I did catch up to my friend Kate from Sacramento. Kate is struggling with blisters, and reported that they are getting better. I was fine with a slower pace, so I walked more than half of the 30 kilometers with Kate, and we had a good time talking, and sometimes not talking. 

We were to be traversing a few river valleys surrounded by rich farmland, so the views and scenery were quite beautiful. We are getting into Riojas now, a major wine-producing region, so vineyards are gradually taking over from the wheat and other crops we have been seeing. Here is a view across a valley. We will be on the other side shortly.

And the road just keeps on going, down and up, up and down. Most of the path today is on dirt/gravel farm roads, not very much asphalt or concrete (although later today there is a stretch of about 2 kilometers (1-1/2 miles) where we will be walking on the shoulder of a minor highway).

Along with more vineyards, I am also seeing more olive trees, as in the photo below. Also note that is a large agave partially behind the leftmost olive tree; I did not think I would see desert plants here, but you never know.

A vineyard on the side of the hill. If you get closer, you can see green growth at the tops of the branches. It is springtime, and the grapes will be coming.

Down through another river valley, and soon to be going up the other side.

The good news today is that my knees are better. My left knee was hurting after the first day, especially on the downhills. It was bad enough that if it had not gotten better, I would have had to stop walking. As my left knee felt stronger and had less pain, my right knee became worse than my left knee had been. I was getting a little worried, but today, both knees are fine. My only problem remaining is my right Achilles tendon just above my ankle. It is hurting with every step. Using my hiking poles more aggressively has helped my knees. I am hoping it will help my right Achilles also.

Below is an interesting church in the town of Viana we passed through. This is a town of only 4000 people, and that is a big church.

Along the way is sometimes seen "Camino" graffiti.

And coming up a hill between two large rock retaining walls. We are getting close to Logroño now, just 4-5 kilometers to go. This has been a very long day of walking, but as has been every day, the views and the scenery are beautiful and make one forget their tired feet and legs, 

One last vineyard before Logrono. I stopped taking pictures, because I want to get to the hotel, get a shower, find a place to wash clothes, and rest.

I did find the Hotel Marieta, got checked in, got a shower, and went down the street to a laundromat. Yay! It is Sunday, and most stores and businesses are closed. The laundromat really is self-service, so I got change, put my clothes into the washer, and read about tomorrow's walk from Logroño to Najera. I will be walking from a city of 150,000 people to one of 8,500. And 80% of the walk tomorrow will be on natural pathways, very little pavement. And it will be another up and down day.

Marking my end of a full week of walking the Camino de Santiago was another beautiful day. I am hoping some of my new friends, Kate, Holly, Marylou the Canadian, the Korean girl, and others having foot problems are finding recovery so they can enjoy all of this beauty around us. This part of northern Spain is quite stunningly beautiful.

Next: Another up and down day from Longroño to Najera


  1. Hi Jim. It's been great reading about your experience so far, and viewing the scenery you're sharing! Living out here in the Mojave Desert for quite some years, it's very soothing to see so much green! Congratulations on completing your first week!

  2. Hi Jim. It's been great reading about your experience so far, and viewing the scenery you're sharing! Living out here in the Mojave Desert for quite some years, it's very soothing to see so much green! Congratulations on completing your first week!

  3. Hi Jim - Thanks for sharing your camino. I love reading it each day. Buen Camino


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